Payment info

So, your envelope is overflowing, or you choose one unique postcard and want to immediately pay for the order to get it as soon as possible. How is it done? It’s easy!

You can pay with UnionPay (worldwide), Visa, Mastercard or Mir (in Russia) (for cards issued by non-Russian banks payments shall be made only with activated 3-D Secure). This is perhaps the quickest and most convenient way. Payment is made using crypted protocol via a secure channel. (Information about aggreagating payments you can see at the bottom of the page, in Russian*)

Or you can pay by bank transfer in rubles at the offices of different banks (payment form for Russian banks will be generated automatically).

Please note that payment by bank transfer can charge a fee.

After clicking the order confirmation button a PayMaster payment form will be opened with filled out order number and total amount. Then, depending on the chosen payment method, a payment instruction will be displayed, or you will be asked to pay for the order.

If you have chosen a method of payment via bank transfer, the message that we send you after your order will be processed also will have a link to the instructions for payment.

Orders can be paid within 5 days after filling out. At the expiration of this period, the order will be disbanded. If for any reason you do not have enough time to pay during this period, please let us know via the feedback form (do not forget to specify the order number) and we will prolong your reservation.

If you have any questions about the payment of the goods, the use of payment systems, or ordering, please contact us via the feedback form.

Have a good shopping in our store!


*Information about aggregating payments:
